Becoming a Mighty Man of God
Photo by Sergey Zolkin
In my daily time in the Word, I read the account of David's mighty men. What made them mighty, and how can I apply this truth to my life? As I read the stories in 2 Samuel 23:8-17, I saw the following characteristics of mighty men:
1) Mighty Men Display Courage (23:8). Adino, called "The One Who Sits in the Seat" was the chief. He won this honor by the courage he displayed when he fought with and killed 800 men at one time. Serving the King requires courage that others lack, courage that stays in the fight, and courage that so overwhelms the enemy that they cannot withstand you.
2) Mighty Men Develop Constancy (23:9-10). Eleazer stayed in the midst of a mighty battle when the enemy had put Israel in flight. He chose to remain rather than to retreat, and then he fought until his hand stuck to his sword. His constancy while others fled turned the tide so that his comrades had only to pick up the plunder. Serving the King requires perseverance when others quit.
3) Mighty Men Demonstrate Commitment (23:11-12). Shammah saw a field of food that the Philistines were about to seize, committed himself to keeping it for Israel, and defended the field against a troop of soldiers who were fighting together. God used him to bring about a "great victory." Serving the King and being His mighty man calls for commitment above and beyond what others do.
4) Mighty Men Delight in a Challenge (23:13-17). These three heard their king express a desire for water from Bethlehem's well; only problem, it was surrounded by Philistine soldiers. They ran the miles to Bethlehem, broke through the camp, drew up water from the well, and ran back with it to David. They reveled in the challenge of honoring their king. They weren't waiting for someone to order them to do something; his wish was their command. The challenge just made it more exciting and worthwhile. Serving the King means learning to hear His heart and moving out by faith to take the challenge.
Are you a Mighty Man of God? I want to be, and I want God to develop these qualities in my life. Join me as we seek to be Mighty Men of God who display Courage, develop Constancy, demonstrate Commitment, and delight in the Challenges our God gives to us.