Fruits of the Spirit Described
Photo by Maja Petric
I am enjoying immensely the privilege of teaching on the Holy Spirit. Several of you asked for the list of the characteristics of the fruit of the Spirit from the Sunday night study. By popular request, here they are:
Love - genuine care for the eternal good of other with no thought of reward for self (John3:16)
Joy - the awareness of God's presence in spite of circumstances (John 15:11)
Peace - the confidence that God is in control of my situation and will work it out for my good and His glory (Rom 5:1, John 14:27, Phil 4:6-7, Acts 12:6)
Patience - accepting others when tempted to irritation (1Thes 5:14)
Kindness - the disposition to show mercy and grace to others (2 Pet 1:7)
Goodness - Spiritual and moral excellence acted out toward others (Rom 2:4)
Faithfulness - Trustworthiness in tasks and loyalty toward others (1 Cor 4:2)
Meekness - Harnessed strength that exhibits restraint in all situations (Mt 5:5)
Self Control - Bringing every facet of my life under the control of the Spirit (2 Pet 1:6)
God's work in our midst will mean that this fruit shows up in our lives, our homes, and our church. We exist to exalt Christ as Lord by glorifying Him in worship, growing His children in grace, and going with the gospel to Olive Branch and the ends of the earth in the power of the Holy Spirit.
How's your fruit looking?