... From the Music Minister
Psalm 131
A Psalm of David
Photo by Christopher Sardegna
Lord, my heart is not proud;
my eyes are not haughty.
I don’t concern myself with matters too great
or too awesome for me to grasp.
Instead, I have calmed and quieted myself,
like a weaned child who no longer cries for its mother’s milk.
Yes, like a weaned child is my soul within me.
O Israel, put your hope in the Lord—
now and always.
A contemplation:
We all go through seasons, both calms and upheavals,
Each week after month after year.
With snow all around as the world slows down,
The word of the Lord speaks clear.
When life is bustling and the windy storm rustling
It always seems hard to hear.
More often than not we’re stuck in that spot
Where life all around seems drear.
‘Midst times of mourning, appearing without warning,
To the Father we must draw near.
Most vital of word, “put your hope in the Lord”,
And find joy in the drop of a tear.