... from the pastor
How to Improve Your Bible Reading
1. Pray before you begin, asking God for wisdom (James 1:5) and insight (Ps. 119:130; see also 119:125, 169).
2. Ask God to give you at least one observable truth you can take home from the passage.
3. Read with pen in hand, ready to take notes from the Word as God speaks to you. Keep your notes in a journal dedicated for Bible reading (can be on your computer/ipad).
4. Summarize the passage that you read in one paragraph (Gen. 40-41–Joseph in prison interprets the dreams of Pharaoh’s servants. He asks them to remember him, but they forget him and he remains in prison for 2 more years. Pharaoh dreams 2 dreams no one can understand; the cupbearer then remembers Joseph. Pharaoh brings Joseph out of prison, God gives Joseph wisdom to interpret the dreams, and Pharaoh promotes Joseph as prime minister of Egypt.)
5. Thank God for His Word and its insights and ask Him to help you apply this Word to your life (or the life of someone else) today.